A New Game in Town
More Artist-Brand Extensions Coming Down the Track
No sooner had we written about the innovative deal between EMI Music Publishing and British retailer Sainsbury's Tu brand than the folks that made the deal, Corporate Creative Licensing have announced a partnership with publishing company Primary Wave. You may recall that, earlier this year, Primary Wave -- who's iconic catalog includes the songs of Steven Tyler, Kurt Cobain , Greg Allman and Earth Wind & Fire -- created a cartoon show "J-Stache" based around John Oates' mustache and were also behind the licensing of Kurt Cobain's lyrics to Converse for Kurt Cobain editions of some of their classic sneakers (According to PW, 200,000 + pairs sold so far).
As SFS has been suggesting for a while now, there's money to be made in theme there hills. We strongly believe that using the heritage and brand equity of iconic/heritage artists for creative approaches to licensing and brand partnerships will generate significant new revenue streams in the future. And, as we said last week, some of these ideas are no brainers; to see what we mean, try this party game and list all the relevant brand associations that you can think would fit your favorite lyrics and song titles, no matter how appallingly implausible. Here's our first go:
- Aerosmith: "Sweet Emotion" Ice Cream
"Walk this Way" Crocs - Britney Spears: "Oops I Did It Again" Paper Towels ... or Diapers
- Duran Duran: "Hungry Like The Wolf" Dog Food
- Earth Wind & Fire: "Got To Get You Into My Life" Dating Service
- Procol Harem: "Knights In White Satin" Sheets
- Steppenwolf: "Born to Be Wild" Condoms